bledcom 2022


We presented a paper examining the risks for corporations who offer tacit support for social causes which is not linked to wider CSR or ESG programmes. The focus was on the relationship between Boohoo and Black Lives Matter.

International History of Public Relations Conference 2022


A paper was presented looking into the ways in which philanthropy was woven into early models of CSR thinking. It suggests that its inclusion has been subject to continual revision and that increasingly it is being decoupled from CSR and ESG thinking.



We will be presenting a study looking at the changing role of Trade Associations as a catalyst for wider and deeper sustainability initiatives. The first part of the study focuses on the hospitability, travel and tourism sector.  

current areas of research

Ada and Alan is currently undertaking research around the following areas: women’s football, the triple bottom line and the application of AI technologies.

Get in touch

Thomas House, 84 Eccleston Square
Pimlico, London

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